The proposal summary report is now available. See the Updates and Notifications section below.
Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP
PSE is seeking proposals to investigate non-wires solutions to our transmission system capacity needs in Kitsap County. This is in keeping with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission’s (WUTC or Commission) Purchase of Resources rules, which require that PSE evaluate non-wires solutions in its solutions development process. Non-wires solutions may include energy storage systems (ESS) and local CETA (Clean Energy Transformation Act)-eligible renewable or non-emitting energy resources. PSE may also consider smart grid solutions or other technologies that can meet Kitsap County transmission capacity needs.
PSE will evaluate responses to the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives Request for Proposals (RFP) and potentially integrate them into transmission capacity solutions. PSE will compare potential solutions in terms of cost, risks and benefits to determine a final solution, which may be made up of a portfolio of resources. A solution for Kitsap County’s transmission capacity needs is expected to be finalized in 2024. PSE will determine the estimated in-service date after finalizing the solution.
In August 2023, following Commission approval in Docket UE-230283, PSE hired PA Consulting Group, Inc. (PA Consulting) for independent evaluator (“IE”) services. As IE, PA Consulting is consulting with PSE on the procurement activities for the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP.
On February 9, 2024, PSE filed the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP with the WUTC in Docket UE-240085.
Updates about the RFP will be published below, as well as sent to stakeholders. For additions to the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP stakeholder distribution list, contact KitsapNonWiresRFP@websiteoutlok.com.
Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP Schedule
RFP KEY EVENTS AND TIMING RFP release February 9, 2024 Open Q & A period February 9 to February 29, 2024 Q & A release March 15, 2024 Proposal submittal period begins March 29, 2024 Proposal submittal period ends May 24, 2024
(by 6 p.m. PST)PSE posts compliance report to the RFP website, consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5) June 24, 2024 PSE conducts Phase 1 eligibility screening and non-price qualitative scoring process July 2024 PSE selects RFP shortlist for Phase 2 and notifies Bidders September 2024 PSE conducts Phase 2 price and portfolio evaluation and selects shortlist for Phase 3 and notifies Bidders November 2024 PSE conducts Phase 3 evaluation and makes final selection By December 31, 2024 If applicable, PSE negotiates and executes agreement(s) with bidder(s) 2025 -
Updates and Notifications
Q & A from interested parties
The Q & A period for the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP is now closed. View the Q & A document (linked below) for a list of the questions we received during the Q & A period as well as our responses.
PSE does not include company names, project names, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q & A.
- Q & A from interested parties (as of 5/3/2024)
RFP docket updates (UE-240085)Interested parties can find information about the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP approval process and any subsequent updates on the WUTC's website in the docket UE-240085. PSE will post here a compliance report within 30 days after the close of the bidding period, consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5).
- PSE posts a proposal summary report pursuant to WAC 480-107-035(5), which includes an attachment containing a summary of each proposal and offer received. PSE also files an informational filing in docket UE-240085, in an effort to make this information more broadly available to stakeholders. (posted 6/24/2024)
Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP Documents and Submission
Interested parties can view and download the Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP by clicking on the links below.
Kitsap Non-wires Alternatives RFP Materials:
Main RFP Document
Exhibit A: Evaluation Criteria and Scoring
Exhibit B: Proposal Requirements Forms
Exhibit C: BESS Requirements
Exhibit D: Mutual Confidentiality Agreement
Exhibit E: Prototype Ownership Agreement Term Sheet
Exhibit F: Prototype Capacity and/or Energy Agreement Term Sheet
Exhibit G: Prototype Clean Energy Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Term Sheet
Exhibit H: Requirements List