2023 Energy Efficiency RFP
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSE) is soliciting proposals for the renewal of existing energy efficiency services AS WELL AS new offerings of energy efficiency services for the 2024-2025 program years. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is sponsored by the Customer Energy Management (CEM) group at PSE. The CEM group is soliciting support for existing Demand Side Management services that will result in direct and measurable gas and/or electric energy savings. PSE is soliciting proposals for 15 services in these sector topic areas:
- Commercial Audit Services
- Commercial and Industrial Virtual Engagement and Commissioning
- Commercial New Construction Whole Building Energy Model Review
- Direct to Consumer Retail
- Efficiency-as-a-Service
- Electric Vehicle Chargers
- Engineering and Sub-Metering services
- Healthcare Strategic Energy Management
- Large Power Users — Industrial and Large Commercial
- Residential
- Small Commercial
- Smart Thermostats
- Space Heat
- Weatherization
- Web-Based Incentive Calculation Tools
The first action item is to provide a completed Intent to Bid form identifying the sector topic areas for which bidders would like to submit a proposal. The form can be found within the RFP Document.
This allows PSE to identify contact(s) for ongoing RFP communications such as answers to questions and RFP updates. Bidder questions are due a week later.
All communication regarding this RFP should be directed to CEMRFP@websiteoutlok.com.
2023 Energy Efficiency RFP Schedule
The following represents PSE’s initial projected timeline.
Activity Dates* RFP release May 4, 2023 Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement Forms are due May 19, 2023 Intent to Bid Form due to PSE May 19, 2023 Bidder questions due to PSE May 26, 2023 PSE response to bidder questions
June 9, 2023 Requested proposal due to PSE June 21, 2023** Notification of short-list vendors identified for interview July 10, 2023** Bidder interviews, reference checks, IT security, and selection process begins July 7, 2023 Scope, pricing and contract marketing, sales and/or promotional plans Sept. 2023 Negotiation finalization Oct. 2023 Contract terms due to PSE purchasing department Nov. 2023 Contract execution/service launch Jan. 1, 2024 *All submissions must be received by PSE no later than 5 p.m. Pacific Time, on the due date. This timetable is provided for planning purposes only and may be modified by PSE as required.
**Updated dates -
2023 DSS RFP Documents and Submission
Final 2023 Energy Efficiency RFP Materials:
Attachment 1: Attachment 1 - QPL 2024-2025 Marketplace RFP 4.18.23
Attachment 2: PSE RFP_2024 Midstream HVAC-WH-Lighting_CFS-Pricing table
Attachment 3: 2024-25 Program RFP_SBDI_Attachment 1
Attachment 4: PSE_RFP_2024-25_SBDI_Attachment 2
Attachment 5: PSE_Business_Lighting_STANDARD_Application
Attachment 6: PSE Contractor Safety Data Sheet
Attachment 7: Supplier Consulting
Attachment 8: Supplier Hosting
Attachment 9: Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement
- Intent to Bid forms are due May 19, 2023 and must be submitted electronically to CEMRFP@websiteoutlok.com.
- Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement (MNDA) forms are due May 19, 2023 and must be submitted electronically to CEMRFP@websiteoutlok.com.
- Bidder questions are due May 26, 2023 and must be submitted electronically to CEMRFP@websiteoutlok.com.
- Electronic proposal responses must be received by no later than 5 p.m. Pacific Time, June 19, 2023, to CEMRFP@websiteoutlok.com